Metadata: Wadena County Groundwater Atlas, Part B

Wadena County Groundwater Atlas, Part B

This page last updated: 08/19/2024
Metadata created using Minnesota Geographic Metadata Guidelines

Go to Section:
  1. Overview
  2. Data Quality
  3. Data Organization
  4. Coordinate System
  5. Attributes
  6. Distribution - Get Data
  7. Metadata Reference

Section 1: Overview

Originator:Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Title: Wadena County Groundwater Atlas, Part B

Abstract: ArcGIS files depicting characteristics of the groundwater system of Wadena County, Minnesota.

Purpose: Geographic information system (GIS) layers cartographically depict spatially analyzed data used in the production of the Wadena County Groundwater Atlas, Part B, County Atlas Series C-40.

A county atlas is a systematic study of a county's geologic and groundwater resources. Geologic studies include glacial deposits. Groundwater studies include the distribution of surficial and buried aquifers; hydrogeology of the surficial and buried sand and gravel aquifers; estimation of groundwater residence time; and sensitivity to pollution of the buried sand and gravel aquifers and the near-surface materials.

Time Period of Content Date:

Currentness Reference: Source data were acquired or accessed between 2016 and 2020

Progress: Complete

Maintenance and Update Frequency: None Planned

Spatial Extent of Data: Wadena County, Minnesota

Bounding Coordinates: -95.173

Place Keywords: Wadena County, Minnesota

Theme Keywords: buried aquifer, groundwater, water chemistry, residence time, wells, water table, pollution sensitivity

Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None

Access Constraints: None

Use Constraints: Users may wish to verify critical information; sources include both the references here and information on file in the offices of the Minnesota Geological Survey and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Every effort has been made to ensure the interpretation shown conforms to sound geologic and cartographic principles. This map should not be used to establish legal title, boundaries, or locations of improvements.

Contact Person Information: Holly Johnson, GIS Specialist
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
500 Lafayette Rd
St. Paul, MN  55155-4025
Phone: 651-259-5693

Browse Graphic: None available

Associated Data Sets: Geologic Atlas of Wadena County, Part A, published by the Minnesota Geological Survey (MGS). More information and downloadable data for Part A available on the MGS site:

Section 2: Data Quality

Attribute Accuracy: --

Logical Consistency: Data are topologically correct using ArcGIS Pro 3.1.2

Completeness: Complete

Horizontal Positional Accuracy:

Lineage: Review and compile available data:
Many of the figures and maps produced for County Groundwater Atlas, Part B are generated using GIS data produced for Part A by Minnesota Geological Survey (MGS) staff. Other sources of information include historical chemistry data stored in the Environmental Quality Information System (EQuIS) maintained by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, historical chemistry data from the Minnesota Department of Health, water use information available in the Minnesota Permitting and Reporting System (MPARS), and water well information from the County Well Index (CWI) database maintained jointly by the MGS and the Minnesota Department of Health. The basemap files in base.gdb were obtained from files available through the Geospatial Commons (County Boundaries, Minnesota and DNR Hydrography Dataset) and from Part A.

Collection of data from the field:
Samples of groundwater from select wells completed in various aquifers were collected for chemical analysis. Additional samples were collected from surface water. This water chemistry information, combined with water level data from CWI and GIS data from Wadena County Geologic Atlas, Part A were used to create groundwater flow maps, pollution sensitivity maps, cross sections, and other maps and figures.

Creation of GIS layers:
Using a variety of techniques, data are converted into ArcGIS feature classes or grids for cartographic display and spatial analysis. Metadata for individual layers contain more detailed lineage information.

Section 3: Spatial Data Organization (not used in this metadata)

Section 4: Coordinate System

Horizontal Coordinate Scheme: Universal Transverse Mercator

UTM Zone Number: 15

Horizontal Datum: NAD83

Horizontal Units: meters

Vertical Datum:

Vertical Units:

Depth Datum:

Depth Units:

Section 5: Attributes

Overview: The Wadena County Groundwater Atlas, Part B consists of 8 separate GIS data layers that were shown on the maps and plates of the atlas.

Detailed Citation:

Table Detail:
Used in report and/or plates
Field NameValid ValuesDefinitionDefinition Source
Pollution sensitivity of the buried aquifers
Wells and surface water sampled for chemistry by DNR staff and others
Depth to water table
Pollution sensitivity of the near-surface materials
Potentiometric surface contours of the buried aquifers
Potentiometric surface elevations of the buried aquifers
Water-table elevation
Well data used by DNR staff to construct aquifer and related maps

Section 6: Distribution

Publisher: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Ecological and Water Resources Division

Publication Date: 08/19/2024

Contact Person Information: Holly Johnson, GIS Specialist
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
500 Lafayette Rd
St. Paul, MN  55155-4025
Phone: 651-259-5693

Distributor's Data Set Identifier:

Distribution Liability: These data were prepared from publicly available information only. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the factual data on which these files are based. However, the Department of Natural Resources does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or any implied uses of these data. Users may wish to verify critical information; sources include both the references here and information on file in the offices of the Department of Natural Resources.

Ordering Instructions: Download zip file of metadata and feature classes by clicking "I AGREE" below.

PDFs of the County Groundwater Atlas report and plates can be downloaded at:

Online Linkage: I AGREE to the notice in "Distribution Liability" above. Clicking to agree will either begin the download process, link to a service, or provide more instructions. See "Ordering Instructions" above for details.

Section 7: Metadata Reference

Metadata Date: 08/19/2024

Contact Person Information: Holly Johnson, GIS Specialist
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
500 Lafayette Rd
St. Paul, MN  55155-4025
Phone: 651-259-5693

Metadata Standard Name: Minnesota Geographic Metadata Guidelines

Metadata Standard Version: 1.2

This page last updated: 08/19/2024
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