DATA ASSOCIATED WITH REPORT 356 AGGREGATE RESOURCES BENTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA 2002 Project of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Lands and Minerals Division of Lands and Minerals, Mineral Potential Unit data: Arcview shapefiles agp02ln3 - aggregate potential, contacts between mapping units (line feature) agp02py3 - aggregate potential, polygons (i.e., mapping units) fieldobs - field observations of various types made in the fall of 2000 and during the summer and fall of 2001 (point feature). gvl_pits - gravel pit locations mapped from a number of sources (point feature). sgeoxln3 - surficial geology, landform line symbols (those landforms that were too small to be mapped as polygons). associated dbase tables, for use with gvl_pits shapefile: dotqual.dbf - quality data from MN/DOT pit sheets. Relate on the sourcexx field in dotqual.dbf and the asis_number field in gvl_pits. dotsieve.dbf - texture (sieve) data from MN/DOT pit sheets. Relate on the sourcexx field in dotsieve.dbf and the asis_number in gvl_pits. Associated metadata in html format agp02ln3.htm, agp02py3.htm, fieldobs.htm, gvl_pits.htm, sgeoxln3.htm, dotqual.htm, dotsieve.htm Associated legend text found on Plates 1, 2, and 3 Plate1.txt - aggregate resources, signigicant deposits Plate2.txt - aggregate resources Plate 3 sgeo.txt - surficial geology mapping units sgeoln.txt - geologic contacts and landforms pl3_hist.txt - basic geologic history of the area. Other data sets used in the evaluation of aggregate resource potential Minnesota Geological Survey data: Arcview shapefile cwi00pt3 - locations of wells in Benton County (point feature), downloaded in 2000. For more information about the County Well Index, contact the Minnesota Geological Survey. Associated table cwi_geod.dbf - geological descriptions found in the well logs of the County Well Index Associated metadata in html format cwi00pt3.htm and cwi_geod.htm